
9 Things We All Hate About Savings.

One must decide how to multiply their savings for a bigger pay off at the end of the day. If there are no prospects that can increase savings, people may tire of the strict lifestyle saving imposes and give up on the concept altogether. 

4. Savings are not protected from emergencies. In fact, they are supposed to provide the solution; the common phrase, after all, is ‘saving for a rainy day’. It becomes discouraging then, to try and save towards a future goal when present demands keep getting in the way of that goal. And, this is how insurance becomes such an attractive concept. It enables people to focus on growing their wealth for the future while attending to any emergencies in the present. This is one reason why the poorest people in society find it hard to rise above their station, even when they try to save their income; they remain burdened by all the demands of the present that need to be addressed.

5. People try to save unrealistically; doing too much too fast. This approach is shortsighted and is bound to fail in the long run. It drains all the joy from life since people cannot enjoy themselves in the present. Naturally, people will push back against such overwhelming restrictions and return to their excessive spending. A choice they will despise, and then overcorrect; creating an unhealthy pattern of deprivation and then binging.

6. Most people, especially young adults, would rather not seriously contemplate the possibility of an uncertain future and prefer to live in their idealized version of it. However, to save effectively, one has to think realistically about the future no matter how difficult that is. There is no sure way to estimate what you need if you are saving for retirement, thinking on: how long you will live, what will be the state of your health in that time, and whatever other unforeseeable things may crop up. One must consider this process, though overwhelming to set clear saving goals. 

7. People approach saving in the wrong way, saving after expenses and not before. Saving is often thought of as storing away leftover income, yet there will usually not be any leftover income, making saving seem like an unattainable ideal. Plan to deduct your savings right when you receive your income and not after you have spent it. 

It is advisable to determine a constant manageable percentage to save regularly. Preferably, this process should be mechanized; where the money is automatically deducted from one account and placed in another account. This bypasses human beings’ very natural tendency to change their minds, especially when expenses run high for one reason or another.

8. People are uneducated about the most optimal savings opportunities and processes. They cannot then take advantage of the options to make saving more manageable and more rewarding. For example, as I had mentioned earlier, automating the process instead of relying on personal resolve will go a long way in helping you save more effectively. 

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